Your Gift. Make it Matter.
EIN: 84-397-8554
To avoid confusion, please note: Our legal name is Midcoast Outdoor Leadership Initiative but we DBA Sundog Outdoor Leadership Initiative or Sundog Outdoor Expeditions. Please use our legal name for tax purposes. More info on our FAQ page.
Sundog Outdoor Leadership Initiative is fueled by community!
We rely on financial support from the community to ensure Sundog programs remain available to everyone through affordable tuition, financial assistance, and full scholarships. Your support is an invaluable investment in the future of our kids and community.
If donating by check: Please make checks payable to Midcoast Outdoor Leadership Initiative. Mail checks to us at PO Box 1395, Camden, ME, 04843.
If donating by Venmo: @SundogOutdoorExpeditions
If donating by our website: Click “Donate Now” above.